

Out Shooting Our Opponents

The Jamaica Defence Force football team out scored Whitfield Town
3-1 in a keenly contested first round Jackie Bell Knockout game, held at Up Park Camp on Tuesday 10 November 2009.

Pte Garvey Simms (right) trying to take a shot at goal during a Jackie bell
Knock Out match between the JDF and Witfield Town.

Both teams traded shots on goal but failed to find the back of the net much to the despair of the home team who had the better of the scoring opportunities.

After playing a goal-less full and extra time, the game went into an exciting penalty shoot out.

This player from Witfield Town (centre) trying to stop Pte Floyd Robinson
(right) from taking a shot at goal.

The Jamaica Defence Force goal keeper, Allien Whittaker came up big, saving three penalties to give the home team the win.

JDF’s goal keeper ORD Allien Whittaker taking a free kick to send
the ball back to one of his team mate