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Jamaica host CISM’s 2005 Continental Conference for the Americas

One of the newest members of the International Military Sports Council (CISM), the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) has proven itself as a strong partner and was privileged to host CISM’s 2005 Continental Conference for the Americas. The Conference was held in Kingston, Jamaica at the Hilton Kingston Jamaica Hotel, 17-21 January 2005.

“I am pleased with the input that Jamaica has made since becoming a part of CISM,” said Brigadier General Dwayne Lucas of Canada, Vice President of the Americas, in his address to the Conference. General Lucas said that the aim of CISM is to provide friendship through sports and to promote peace through among different nations around the world.

Every year before the General Assembly in May, each Vice President of the Continents of Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas convene their Continental meeting to determine the scope of military sporting activities for the upcoming year. The plans are then communicated to the president of CISM.

The Conference in Jamaica commenced with the marching in of the Flags of the participating nations and the CISM Flag. Six nations participated in the opening ceremony – Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, United States and Jamaica.

The Jamaica Defence Force became the 124th member of CISM at the sitting of its 58th General Assembly and Congress in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on 17 May 2003. Colonel Stewart Saunders, Chairman of the JDF Sports Board, represented the JDF at the Assembly.


Major General Jan Arp (l), Chief of Delegation for Canada, Colonel Stewart Saunders (c) Chief of Delegation for Jamaica and Brigadier General Dwayne Lucas, Vice President for the Americas, are seen in discussion prior to the start of the CISM Conference in Jamaica.
Participating members salute on the playing of Jamaica’s National Anthem, which followed the Flag ceremony.
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