Applicants are required to complete an application form and submit it to the Institution.
Applicants must satisfy one of the following entry requirements.
Level II
Level III
Applicants are required to submit a properly completed application form along with the following information:
The organization will conduct an orientation programme to acquaint new clients with the policies, functions and personnel of the organization.
The Jamaica Defence Force Technical Training Institute uses the Competency Standards endorsed by the NCTVET as well as the curricula (where available) published by HEART Trust NTA to guide training, relevant to the skills offered at the Institution.
The NVQ-J programme is organized around qualification plans which outline the units that must be completed to earn a certificate. Each unit has a competency standard which captures the relevant areas of training to be delivered and assessed. Detailed below are the significant areas of the competency standard.
The Unit of Competency
This is related to the outcome of the expected work performance and is the basic building block for Vocational Education and Training Programmes. The unit of competency creates a comprehensive tool kit for learning and assessment leading to nationally recognized qualifications. A cluster of units may represent complete jobs, or may be blocks of skills, knowledge and attributes that apply across a number of jobs or job functions.
These describe in outcome terms the work to be performed and are the smallest logical, identifiable, discrete sub-groupings of the action and knowledge that make up a unit of competency.
The Performance Criteria
These expand and place in context the performance criteria and elements, and provide the specific details that should be used to design training specifications and assessment strategies.
These are conditions precedent to, or competency standards that need to be in place before the trainee can be assessed or certified for the competency in question.
The institute aims to establish a fair, transparent process for dealing with the grievances of trainees. This procedure is also in keeping with the military procedures for military conduct.
In order to provide an opportunity for the discussion of any request or complaint and to establish a procedure for the processing and settling of grievances, the following steps should be followed by any trainee who believes that he has a justifiable request, complaint and or grievance:
Step 1
The trainee must first discuss the problem with his/her instructor. This step shall be recognized as the first and most important opportunity for sincere and responsible effort to arrive at a fair and speedy solution.
Step 2
If the request, complaint/grievance is not resolved at Step 1, the trainee may present his/her case to the Training Administrator for resolution.
Step 3
If the request, complaint and or grievance is not resolved at Step 2, the trainee may present his/her case to the ATO Manager/Director for resolution. The Management Team may be convened to deal with the matter or an investigation may be ordered. The investigating officer will be detailed by the Director.
Step 4
If the problem is not resolved at Step 3, then it is referred to the Commanding Officer (CO) in charge of the institution for further investigation and resolution.
Statements of Competence will be made available to the trainees upon written request. The request for Progress Reports should be received by the Quality Assurance department at least five (05) days in advance of the date required.
The Training
The training approach at the JDF TTI is referred to as Competency Based Training. Competency-based training is a unique approach to training design that builds and enhances individual competencies in line with previously identified profiles of success or competency standards. In competency based training, emphasis s placed on what a trainee can do in the workplace as a result of their training.
Trainees who have successfully achieved competency will have the skills and knowledge they need to complete workplace activities in a range of different situations and environments, to an industry standard of performance that is expected in the workplace.
Trainees shall be informed of the training and internal assessment requirements prior to the start of the training / assessment. Trainees shall be assessed internally on a continuous basis using varying methods. The methodologies/standards of training and internal assessment are compliant with the NCTVET Competency Standards and Competency-Based Curricula and adequately prepare the trainees to achieve competence in their final assessment.
Internal assessments are both formative and summative. The frequency and/or timing of such assessments are determined by the instructor and communicated to the trainees via training assessment and delivery plan.
Appeals are allowed to trainees where there are cases of anomalies/ discrepancies in internal assessments
There is a Trainee Appeal and Review Committee (TARC) in place to handle the appeal process.
The Assessment Flowchart
The institution provides the necessary resources to manage and maintain an efficient assessment system in keeping with the standards of the NCTVET to facilitate the assessment of candidates leading to internationally recognized certification.
The institution ensures that the assessment process is communicated to trainees prior to the commencement of the final assessment. The process is documented in the trainees’ handbook and is also communicated to the trainees during the orientation exercise.
1. All trainees will be apprised of the assessment process during the orientation exercise.
2. Information regarding the assessment process will be available in the Trainees’ Handbook which is made accessible to trainees via soft copies. A hard copy of the Trainee Handbook is also made available in common areas.
3. Assessment dates and Assessment Results are published on the Assessment Notice Board located at the institute.
4. Prior to the commencement of assessment, the assessor will speak with the client regarding assessment procedures.
The JDF TTI has implemented strategies to ensure that certification processes are carried out as required by the established guidelines of the NCTVET. Additionally, the institute is committed to ensuring that procedures relating to reviewing the certification process exists in order to ensure continuous improvement of its systems.
IMPORTANT CERTIFICATION INFORMATION A copy of the unofficial statement of competency will be issued to the Client at the end of successfully completing the units if requested. Official Statement of Competency and certificates will be requested from NCTVET for all candidates who have completed ALL units from a particular qualification plan. Certificates are usually ready for collection within eight (8) weeks after the final assessment. however clients are encouraged to call the JDF TTI—Quality Assurance department before coming.
All lost or otherwise misplaced or damaged certificates should be reported to the Quality Assurance Department – JDF TTI.
The Institute will ensure that the atmosphere and facility is available to clients to appeal decisions relating to cases of discrepancies or anomalies in the assessment process and will also ensure that the appeals system is discussed with trainees at orientation and at other points prior to assessment.
1. Trainees should not sign if he/she is not in agreement with the feedback given by an Assessor.
2. The candidate should first discuss the matter with the Assessor with a view of resolving the concern/query.
3. If the matter is not resolved with the Assessor, the matter should be referred to the Standards Officer, who will meet with the Assessor and the candidate.
4. Failing a satisfied outcome, the trainee should appeal, within five (05) working days of the publication of the assessment results, to the Trainee Appeals and Review Committee (TARC), through the Quality Assurance Department, using the prescribed form provided by the institution.
5. The committee will review the evidence, make a ruling and convey this to the appellant in writing within five (5) days of receiving the appeal.
The committee may decide to:
a. Let the result stand.
b. Recommend that the trainee be re-assessed at no extra cost.
c. Recommend that the trainee be re assessed at a cost.
d. Recommend change in result.
6. If the appellant does not receive feedback from the Trainee Appeals and Review Committee (TARC), within the prescribed time or is dissatisfied with the outcome the matter should be reported to the Commanding Officer 1 Engineer Regiment (JDF) through the established military channels.
7. A candidate who is not satisfied with the decision of the committee may also appeal to the NCTVET through its appointed Quality Assurance Officer. The candidate, on request, may obtain information on how to contact this Officer from the Standards Officer.
8. Appeals done through the NCTVET may attract a minimal fee.
The institution’s appeal committee comprises the following:
Where an individual is physically challenged, special arrangements must be made to facilitate their training and assessment as is possible and within the ATOs capabilities. Where the ATO is not equipped to fulfill the request, arrangements must be made with other ATOs for training and assessment of the client. Clients must be given feedback on his/her performance following each assessment.
Accredited Training Organization (ATO) – A training provider that has met the requirements of the Accreditation Standards
Appeal – A formal request for the review of assessment outcomes
Assessment – the process of gathering and judging evidence in order to decide whether a person has achieved a standard or objective.
Assessor – a person qualified to carry out assessment.
Client – an individual presenting him or herself for assessment for formal recognition of competence
Cluster – A group of related units from your competency standards which are taught and assessed together.
Competency – A competency is a skill that is acquired to successfully carry out a job. It does not mean expertise in the area but implies that the successful performance is reliable.
Competency Based Assessment – The assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes that is based on the recognition of competencies from pre-determined standards
Competency Standards – Nationally agreed industry developed performance outcome statements that describe the minimum skills, knowledge and attributes necessary in the performance of a particular function in the workplace. It consists of elements of competence, performance criteria, a range statement and an evidence guide.
Facilitator – A person who develops collaborative relationships with Trainees through the process of discovery, goal setting & strategic actions that enables trainees to see they are potential & realize their Possibilities.
Moderation – an exercise during which a group of assessors/instructors get together to review, compare and evaluate the assessment instruments, processes and evidence against the same standards.
National Council on Technical and Vocational, Education and Training (NCTVET) – It is responsible for standards development, quality assurance, accreditation and national certification.
National Qualifications Framework (NQF) – The five levels for awarding certification in the TVET system.
National Vocational Qualifications of Jamaica (NVQ – J) – A nationally recognized award that is made at a specified level in recognition of the achievement of competence based on established criteria for that level
National Qualifications Register (NQR) – The database of electronic resources for the Revised TVET Model
Qualification – Formal certification issued under the National Qualification Framework
Quality Assurance – a systematic process of checking whether a product or service being developed meets specified requirements. Quality assurance procedures ensure that training programmes and assessment processes achieve the desired outcomes.
Registered Assessor (RA) – A registered assessor is an individual trained and authorized to assess competence within the NQF. Registration of Assessors occurs on the National Qualifications Register
Trainee – One who is being trained.