Crime is predominantly confined to specific geographic areas with few incidents occurring outside these predefined locations.
The Security Force has been very responsive and decisive in dealing with crime and violence.
In the event that an incident occurs that results in any participant being
detained by local police the following procedure is to be adhered to :
1. The HQ JDF Duty Officer is to be contacted and the details of the incident (location of incident, medical status of affected individuals, location of the police station etc).
2. An Emergency Response Team (ERT) will be deployed to the specific location and will transport the participant to the base camp.
3. In the event that the circumstances of the incident would ordinarily
result in the affected person being detained by the civil police the OIC of the ERT will establish liaison with the senior police to allow the participant to be handed over to the JDF pending the outcome of the investigation.
There are only a few areas which pose a security concern, avoid them!
Take a common sense approach to your personal security.
Enjoy your stay in Jamaica and visit as many of the attractions as time permits.