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Training – Profiles

Name:          Pte Toure Drake
  Charlemont, St Catherine

Brian LundyPaul Johnson


"Team work makes hard work becomes easy"

“It had always been a dream for me to become a soldier, I need not dream anymore. Since the age of ten I was caught up with the idea of serving in the military and this was even more exciting as I had an uncle who served in the army who would tell me exciting tales about the military and the way of life of the army.”



Pressing on to the end.  One good quality in a soldier is strength, mentally and physically

“The training aspect so far is more than I expected; I was amazed with the uniformity of troops on parade and in general, the commitment of serving members and the discipline they portrayed. This along with the training I have gone through has made me realize how different it is in civilian life to the army. In the army you operate at a totally different level and there is always a consequence for your actions be it good or bad.”

Pte Toure Drake is now serving in Bravo Company, 2JR as a rifleman.

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