JDF Coast Guard
Jamaica Defence Force
Notice Board
JDF Officer wins the Admiral Doyle Award

Lieutenant Commander Douglas of the JDF Coast Guard is seen here accepting the prestigious Admiral Doyle award from Admiral Arthur Cebrowski, President of the US Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island in June.

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Lt Cdr Douglas’ research paper entitled "USA/Jamaica cooperation in combating the illicit narcotics trade: dilemma of a small island nation" was adjudged the best submission by a panel of judges from the University of Virginia. This award is open to international students of the Naval Staff College, the Naval Command College and US students from the College of Naval Warfare.

For his efforts, Lt Cdr Douglas received a citation and a cash award of US$500.00.

At right is Admiral Joseph Lopez, US Navy, who gave the keynote address at the function.

If you want to download and copy of the research paper please click here.

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