Notice Board
The JDF Coast Guard’s Involvement In The Implementation Of Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) In Jamaica
CPO McFarlane, D H (deceased)
Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) was
initiated by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to take advantage of more
modern means of communication to improve Maritme Radio Communication
Series as it relates to the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). The new
standard as agreed on by maritime states, including Jamaica, is contained
in the SOLAS Convention of 1974.
GMDSS is a combination of terrestrial and satellite
means of communication which allows a ship anywhere in the world to
communicate with a shore station. The JDF Coast Guard operates an
international coast radio station whose primary role is to listen for
maritime distress and safety signals.
The JDF Coast Guard’s involvement in developing a master plan for Jamaica
started when two persons were selected for training in Norway . The
Jamaica Maritime Institute (JMI) was in the process of acquiring a
simulator to conduct General Operator Certificate (GOC) courses. Sub
Lieutenant Antonette KONG (then) and Chief Petty Officer HENRY, J were
selected. They attended the course at Lofoten Radio School in October
The first conference organized by the ITU and IMO in the Caribbean Region
under Programme Four of the ITU Buenos Aries Action Plan to expose
Caribben maritime communication authorities to GMDSS, was attended by
Commander (Cdr) Hardley Lewin, then Commanding Officer JDF Coast Guard.
The GMDSS implementation committee was formed
through the instumentality of Cdr LEWIN, to develop a master plan for
Jamaica. The committee, under the leadership of the Ministry of Transport
and Works, consisted of the following agencies, namely:
Telecommunications of Jamaica (then), Post and Telecom Department, Jamaica
Maritime Authority, Port Authority of Jamaica and the JDF Coast Guard.
The Coast Guard representatives were Cdr H Lewin, Lieutenant (junior
grade) Antonette WEMYSS-GORMAN, Petty Officer EDWARDS and Petty Officer
MCFARLANE, D (deseased).
This team was very instrumental in the preparation of the Jamaica Master
plan. This plan is an essential prerequiste by IMO for the implemnetation
of GMDSS by a coastal state. The plan identified the existing maritime
communication facilities and how the country intends to improve these
facilities to meet the new GMDSS standard, as set out by the SOLAS
The Unit’s involvement was invaluable in the preparation of this document.
A comprehensive plan was prepared and submitted to the Ministry of
Transport and Works. It was subsequently approved by Cabinet and tabled
in the House of Parliament.
The JDF Coast Guard seconded Lt(jg) A
WEMYSS-GORMAN to the Transport Ministry to support GMDSS implementation
over period January 1998 to January 2000.
The ITU held a number of conferences in the Caribbean which were aimed at
giving countries information on how to implement GMDSS and to initiate a
regional coverage which is aimed at making the Caribbean region safe for
These conferences were held in Barbados in 1997, Trinidad and Tobago in
1998, Maritinique in 1999, and Cuba in 2000. (CPO McFarlane attended
them as a part of the Jamaican delegation except for Barbados which was
attended by Cdr LEWIN).
Although Jamaica has not been able to find the funding to implement this
project, the JDF CG continues to support the Maritime Authoriy of
Jamaica, which, since its inception, is now charged with the
responsibility of implementing GMDSS. |