In April of 2006, the end of an era was reached with the graduation of the final serial of Jamaica Defence Force (JDF) pilots being trained in Canada. While the ceremony was a time of elation for the young graduates, it was also a time of passing memories for many senior JDF pilots as the 35-year training relationship with Canada drew to a close.

The decision to cease training in Canada was not made arbitrarily. In fact the cessation of pilot training was implemented as part of an overall plan to repatriate pilot-training back to Jamaica. This plan, originally conceived between the JDF Air Wing and the Canadian Military Training Assistance Program (MTAP), began with the training and attachment of JDF instructors to 3 Canadian Forces Flying Training School (3CFFTS) in Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. The experience gained through this attachment was crucial in the implementation of the repatriation.
Throughout 2006, work continued behind the scenes both in Jamaica and Canada moved the program further ahead. In April 2006 a joint Canadian/Jamaican construction project rebuilt the JDF Air Wing’s Manley Base from the damage sustained during Hurricane Ivan. During the months from August through to November, Canadian Instructors from Canada’s Central Flying School (CFS) conducted both helicopter and fixed wing instructor courses for JDF personnel, here in Jamaica and in Belize. Lastly, Information Technology equipment and furniture shipped from Canada was installed in the newly renovated Manley Base facility.
September 2006 saw the JDF starting the process of acquiring a new fleet of training aircraft consisting of both fixed and rotary wing assets for training in Jamaica. Training curriculum, which Canada also provided, underwent the required modification for use on the new aircraft and the Jamaican environment.
The culmination of all of these activities has produced the Jamaica Military Aviation School (JMAS). This newly created facility will train Jamaican and international military students from the primary level through to wings standard. The courses to be offered will include the Primary Flying Training (PFT), Primary Flying Training Extended (PFTE), Rotary Wing and Multi Engine all of which will be maintaining Canadian Training Standards. On completion students would have flown just over 200 flying hours to attain Wings Standard on either the helicopter or multi-engine aircraft. The first serial commenced on 02 July 2007.

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