
Retirement, Disability and Death Benefits

Retirement benefits are applicable to members of the Regular Force only.

Examples of some of the benefits provided under the Retired Pay, Pensions and Other Grants Regulations are given below:

  • Full pension at the retirement age appropriate to his or her rank having completed the standard period of service appropriate to his or her rank
    • Pension for early retirement with at least 22 years qualifying service.
    • Pension on being invalided out of the Service with at least 10 years qualifying service.
    • Pension on being retired in the interest of the Service with at least 20 years service.
    • Terminal grant, which is in addition to pension, to regular Officers.
    • Terminal grant to Short Service Officer for each satisfactorily completed year of commissioned service.
    • Gratuity for 12 years qualifying service.
    • Reduced pension for 18 years qualifying service.
    • Pension for 22 years qualifying service.
    • Pension for service which exceeds 22 years qualifying service.
    • Terminal grant which is in addition to pension and carries an option.
    • Gratuity for a soldier being invalided out of the Service with 4 years qualifying service.

Death and Disability Benefits applicable to members of the regular Force and the Jamaica National Reserve: 

    • Death Benefits
      – There are several provisions for the dependents (wife, children, brother, mother, etc) of the Officer or soldier who dies as a result of injuries he or she receives in the actual discharge of his or her duty or on account of the nature of his or her duty, which circumstances are not due to his or her negligence. The Defence Board may make an award to the dependents of the persons who die other than in the circumstances mentioned before.
    • Disability Benefits
      – A member of the Force who is permanently injured in the actual discharge of his duty or her duty, or contracts a disease consequent on the nature of his or her duty, in circumstances not attributable to his or her negligence, and which disease or injury has resulted in his or her retirement or discharge, may be granted a disability allowance (paid monthly) in addition to any pension to which he or she may be entitled.