JDF Welfare Fund
The JDF Welfare Fund
The Fund provides assistance to meet a need in special cases
of hardship in respect of serving and former members of the JDF. Although soldiers leaving
the JDF after a long period of service normally receive pensions or gratuities, there are
always cases of genuine hardships and nothing can contribute more to the confidence and
well-being of a soldier and so to his morale than a knowledge that every soldier is a
member of one family and that his family will help him if he or she is in need or
In addition to the above, the Fund may be used to: 
- Provide items of historical interest for the Force Museum;
- Provide additional embellishments or equipment for the
Regimental Band;
- Meet the expenses of official entertainment which may be
beyond the means of the Officers of the JDF.
- Meet expenditure on a number of small unforeseeable items
which cannot be properly met from public funds.
The Fund is sustained by voluntary contributions (one day’s
pay from all ranks) through salary deduction each year, and by contributions made by Units
from fund-raising functions.
The Fund is administered by the Regimental Council that
consists of serving officers of the Regular and Reserve Force together with three former
officers who are elected to serve for a period of three years at a time. The Chairman of
the Council is the Chief of Staff.
There is a Finance Committee comprising all Commanding
Officers, a former Officer, a serving
Officer who should not be below the rank of Captain,
a serving Non-Commissioned Officer, a Reserve Force Officer and a Reserve Force
Non-Commissioned Officer.
The status of the Fund is published quarterly.