Jamaica Defence Force


Unit Notice Board


Reserve Infantry Battalion Takes Top Trophies at Swim Meet

The Reserve Infantry Battalion took all the top trophies at the 2007 Force Swimming Competition held by the Jamaica Defence Force on 27 October 2006 at the National Stadium, in Kingston, Jamaica. The Third Battalion The Jamaica Regiment (National Reserve) won the overall Swim Meet as well as the individual championships. Their swimmers, Staff Sergeant David Richards and Private Kamarah Murray, captured the male and female champion awards.

Swimming teem

There were various competitive categories – individual and relay, combat and non-combat – and these were opened to both male and female serving members, with a few exceptions.  Among the popular highlights were the veteran events for persons over 40 years.

Winning the 2007 Swim Meet with 82 points, the point standings for the other major units which competed against the 3rd Battalion The Jamaica Regiment (National Reserve) are as follows:

1st Third Battalion The Jamaica Regiment (National Reserve) 82
2nd Second Battalion The Jamaica Regiment 69
3rd First Battalion The Jamaica Regiment 67
4th Support and Services Battalion 52
5th 1Engineer Regiment (Jamaica Defence Force) 45
6th Jamaica Defence Force Coast Guard 43
7th Jamaica Defence Force Air Wing 31

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