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Local Courses 0-C3 Clerical Course


A job well done – Instructing in Information Technology

Reserve soldier, Private Diane Clarke, of the 3rd Battalion the Jamaica Regiment (National Reserve) writes enthusiastically about the Information Technology Course that she recently attended as part of her clerical training. The Basic Clerical Course (0-C3) was conducted 9 May to 12 August 2005 and provided instructions on documentation, typing and information technology.

Private Clarke proudly reports that the Information Technology module had 100 per cent passes, where she was among the top performers. The three top performers for the information technolgy phase were :

2nd Runner Up : Private Clarke, D (author) 3rd Battalion the Jamaica Regiment (National Reserve)

1st Runner Up : Private Green, L of the Headquarters Jamaica Defence Force

Top Student : Private Brown, S of the 2nd Battalion the Jamaica Regiment

First half of the 0-C3 Clerical Course at Head Quarters Jamaica Defence Force Information System Centre.

The Graduating Class on the Basic Clerical Course (0-C3) bid farewell on 15 July 2005 at the Information Systems Centre of the Jamaica Defence Force after four weeks of hard work. The trainees on the 0-C3 Clerical Course were introduced to the Information Technology (Beginners) Course on 20 June 2005 and received instructions to Microsoft Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint application softwares. We were soon taught that knowledge is not fragmented nor compartmentalized, it is a body. And in keeping with the overall mission and roles of the military, the pupils were taught how to apply these applications to their areas of responsibilities.

Second half of the 0-C3 Clerical Course held over the period 09 May – 12 August 2005 in Class at Head Quarters Jamaica Defence Force Information System Centre.

The course which began as an interesting and stimulating learning experience gradually became more challenging as new information had to be grasp in very short time. Nonetheless, the motivation and interest the pupils had initially were not lost and it allowed them to remain focus. The entire group was successful as the challenges experienced were expertly addressed by the instructors who demonstrated a high level of understanding and professionalism. A job well done!!






Second half of the 0-C3 Clerical Course held over the period 09 May – 12 August 2005

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