Press Releases
January 2009
After visiting El Salvador and Panama, the United States Naval High-Speed Training Vessel – HSV 2 (SWIFT) docked on the Boundbrook pier in Port Antonio on 04 Jan 09 for a one-week training mission.
The visit was the first of two visits that the vessel will be making in Jamaica for 2009 with the second slated for April.
Acting Chief of Defence Staff Colonel Antony Anderson giving a plaque to
the Commander of the SWIFT vessel, Commander Christopher Barnes, as they exchanged gifts.
The training was geared at getting members of the Jamaica Defence Force and the Port Security up to speed with various courses that would help them to better operate in their specialty areas. The courses included land navigation, port security, waterborne security operations, small boat repair and marine interdiction operations.
Commander Sam Sorgen, Deputy Commander of the vessel told All Arms that he was very impressed with the level at which the students performed and the feedback he received from his instructors from the various courses.
The United States Naval High Speed Training Vessel (SWIFT) docked
at the Boundbrook pier.
“It was a pleasure working with the JDF; it is an extremely professional force. Our instructors learnt a lot from the students [soldiers],” he said.
He continued that the aim of the visit was to share knowledge and for the Caribbean region to be more interoperable in order to foster secure and stable societies.
Members of the Jamaica Defence Force and the United States Naval High Speed
Training Vessel (SWIFT) crew gathered at the closing ceremony on the upper deck of the vessel..
“I think this is a good opportunity for us to learn how our different Forces operate in some of these training areas.” he said.
Not only did the vessel’s crew conduct training, but they also did various community-related projects in the Portland area. The SWIFT crew handed over books to Titchfield High School and donated some well needed supplies to the Port Antonio Hospital.
Student (right) from the waterborne security operations course presenting
a token of appreciation to an instructor.
The Deputy Commander expressed his appreciation for the invitation to Jamaica and said that he is anticipating the return trip. He said that it was good that both the United States military and the Jamaica Defence Force could work on such a venture and he hoped for a continued partnership in economic and security stabilization.
In the closing ceremony, Acting Chief of Defence Staff Colonel Antony Anderson thanked the crew for partnering with the JDF in providing valuable training for members of the Force and wished for the continuation of such joint effort in the future.