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Caribbean Association of Military
Professionals (C.A.M.P.)

Scenes from the inaugural Annual General
Meeting for C.A.M.P held in March 2000

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View of the Head Table – Chairman of C.A.M.P., Lt. Col. (Ret’d) Stacey Thompson (centre) flanked by Col John Barnett of the Jamaica Defence Force (right) and Monsignor Richard Albert pastor of the Stella Maris Roman Catholic Church, Kingston. Centre piece, the Ashanti piece engraved with battle honours from the Ashanti Wars in West Africa.

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Serving and retired officers sharing a light moment after the dinner. With regret Major Haynes (second left) died in May 00.
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Colonel John Barnett giving greetings on behalf of the Chief of Staff and wishing the organisation (C.A.M.P.) well for the future.
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Monsignor Richard Albert giving the main address.
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Vice Chairman of C.A.M.P. Committee, Major (Ret’d) Errol Alliman making his presentation.
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Mr Merrick Needham making his toast to Her Majesty the Queen. (Mr Needham is the civilian member of the JDF Web site governing committee).
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Major (Ret’d) Joe Williams (centre), performing with his band ‘Muzick’ after the dinner.
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Major General (Ret’d) Robert Neish giving greetings in his capacity as Chairman of the Island Council of the Jamaica Legion.
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A view of the audience.

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Captain (Ret’d) Omar Parkins being a charming host.

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Lt (Ret’d) John Ebanks of the Royal Air Force (left), Colonel (Ret’d) ‘Bunny’ Stern and guest busy adding their signatures to the guest cards.


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