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Major General Harry Harty

Major General Harry Harty has the distinction of serving as a Commissioned Officer in the Royal Navy, followed by the Royal Air Force and in the Indian Army. His service spanned a period of 34 consecutive years from 1914 to 1948 when he returned to his native land Jamaica upon his retirement.

In the same year (1948) he became chairman of the Jamaica Legion’s Benevolent Committee and later a vice president of the Legion.

In recognition of his sterling contribution the Jamaica Legion named a branch after him. Hence, the inauguration of the General Harty Branch on 17 September 1976. Of historical interest is the fact that this branch was the fourth of its type, the forerunners being the Early Birds Club, the Union Jack Club and the Headquarters Branch.

The Jamaica legion was established as a movement designed to bring about the unity of all who have served in Her Majesty’s Navy, Army and Air Force or any of the Auxiliary Forces. It further sought to foster among them the spirit of comradeship, mutual help and the close ties of active service.

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