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Ex-Service Women

Women in the JDF celebrate 25 years.
 Where are they now?

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Intake # 01 (Females),  # 02 Platoon
February 1977

Front Row L to R:
1. Pte Hanson, E   2. Sgt Norman, D  3. British Maj Blakey   4. Lt Haik   5. Cpl Duncan

Middle Row L to R:
1. Davis,  L   2. Belefontie  3. Wilson   4. Folks, B   5. Horn, C  6. Nugent, S 
7. Thomas,  I   8. James,  D  9.  Terrelong,  S  10. Blackwood,  J  11. Francis-Purkis 12.  Williams-Foster,  Y  13. Walker,  R  14. Graham-Roberts, S

Back Row L to R:
1. Anderson-Stewart,  F   2. Edwards,  N   3. Johnson,  A   4. Brown,  A  
5. Gilzene-Pitter,   J   6. Burke    7. Taylor-Wedderburn,  A   8. Williams-Wray,  E
9. Griffiths,  R   10. White,  P   11. Wilks,  S  12. Brown-Campbell-Bruce,  D
13. Hutton,  S.

2001 marks the 25th anniversary of females serving in the Jamaica Defence Force.  On 11 Aug 1976, Grace Viola Barclay, Suzanne Antoinette Haik,  Gennif Marie Copeland And  Yola Teresa Cain  were commissioned in the rank of Second Lieutenant.    They completed officer training and later became Staff Officers in the Headquarters of the JDF, except in the case of Yola Cain, who became a pilot.

10 Feb 1977, the first service women enlisted and commenced training at the JDF Training Depot in Newcastle.   Six of these females are still serving in the JDF today.    They are Captain Elaine Hanson, Warrant Officer Class 1 Elaine Williams -Wray, Warrant Officer Class 2 Joy Cammock, Chief Petty Officer Nellie Edwards, Staff Sergeant Yvonne Williams – Foster, and Staff Sergeant Odelee Morrison – Smith.

As part of the 25th anniversary celebrations, the JDF Web Site would

(1979 Photo)

like to feature some of our female pioneers.  If you are an ex-servicewoman of the Jamaica Defence Force, please tell us your story.   Write to [email protected].  We also invite you sign our guest book, where you have the opportunity of sharing your contact information with other servicewomen, past and present.


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