Jamaica Defence Force

  • Selection Boards (Recruitment of Potential Officers)
  • Recruiting Boards (Recruitment of Potential Soldiers)
  • Upcoming Selection Boards for Officers and Soldiers
Selection Boards (Recruitment of Potential Officers)

  • In addition to the Entry Requirements listed, applicants who wish to become Commissioned Officers must also pass the Officers’ Selection Board. The Officers Selection Board is the process whereby applicants’ leadership qualities are assessed.

  • Applicants will be invited to attend interviews and undergo the Officers’ Selection Board, once an adequate number of suitable applications have been received.

  • The Selection Board meets at Up Park Camp and at the JDF Training Depot, Newcastle, St Andrew.

  • There is an average of three testing days
STEP 1. Interview Process
  • Once your application is considered satisfactory, you will be invited to attend an interview at Up Park Camp.

  • This interview is to assess your character and personality and make a judgment of how you would fit into the military.

  • The interviewers will be interested in what interests you, how you developed such interests, how you spend your free time, your involvement in activities other than the purely academic, and what positions of authority or responsibility you have held.
STEP 2. Selection Process
  • On passing the interview and a number of initial tests, you will be invited to proceed to the JDF Training Depot, Newcastle, St Andrew, for further tests.

  • There your leadership potential is assessed through a series of outdoor tasks. You will be given a command task to carry out with a group. You will run an obstacle course which tests your fitness, overall stamina, and determination. Your communication skills will also be assessed.

If you pass the Selection Board you may be offered a Short Service or Regular Commission.

After enlisting, you will return to the JDF Training Depot, to join a recruits’ course to receive basic military training until you are ready to proceed to the United Kingdom, Canada or the United States for training as an Officer.

No Officer Selection Board is scheduled at this time, however applications may be submitted at any time.

Recruiting Boards (Recruitment of Potential Soldiers)

A Recruiting Board is assembled during recruiting drives to determine and select from among the applicants those individuals considered suitable to be trained as soldiers.

The Recruiting Board meets on the dates and at selected locations (testing centres) as advertised in the media during recruiting drives to interview and test male and female applicants for enlistment into the regular Force.

The testing centres are general located at military bases and other public sites islandwide. These locations are advertised in the media. The islandwide recruiting drive normally goes on for two weeks.

Candidates undergo a preliminary medical examination, reading and written tests, the results of which are given the same day at the testing location.

Successful candidates are given a date when they will undergo further medical tests to determine their suitability for arduous military training before being invited to commence the Recruit Training Course, which takes place over a 14-week period at the JDF Training Depot, Newcastle, St Andrew, and at the Moneague Training Camp in St Ann.

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