Rank Structure

Description of Ranks

Each rank in the army and its equivalent naval rank (which appears directly underneath) form of verbal address may sometime differ from written form as shown in table below.

Commissioned Officers
Enlisted Ranks





Major General

A Major General (Maj Gen) wears on both shoulder  straps one star (pip) and crossed sword and baton as his insignia of rank.

Warrant Officer Class 1

A Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1) has as his/her insignia the Royal Coat of Arms, which he/she wears on a leather wristlet on his/her right wrist with the exception of when it is worn on the No. 1 dress, then it is worn on the sleeve.

Rear Admiral

A Rear Admiral (RAdm) [equivalent to a Major General] wears on his shoulder-boards one extra- broad gold ring and one broad one as his insignia of rank .   However, in full dress uniform he wears quite different rank insignia on his shoulder-boards, namely a crown, crossed sword and baton and a star.

Master Chief Petty Officer Class 1

A Master Chief Petty Officer I (MCPOI) rank insignia is the same as that of the WO1, however, his/her rank is worn on the collar of his/her ‘whites’.



A Brigadier (Brig) wears on both shoulder straps a crown and three stars.

Warrant Officer Class 2

A Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) wears a crown, usually on a leather wristlet on his/her right wrist with the exception of when it is worn on the No. 1 dress, then it is worn on the sleeve.



A Commodore (Cdre) [equivalent to a Brigadier] wears on his shoulder boards one extra board gold ring.

Master Chief Petty Officer Class 2

A Master Chief Petty Officer II (MCPOII) has the same rank as a WO2. However, his/her rank is worn on the collar of his/her ‘whites’.



A Colonel (Col) wears on both shoulder straps a crown and two stars.

Staff Sergeant

A Staff Sergeant (SSgt) has three chevrons and a crown on his/her upper right sleeve.


A Captain (Capt (N)) wears on his shoulder boards four broad gold rings.

Chief Petty Officer

A Chief Petty Officer (CPO) wears, usually on his/her shirt collar points, an anchor encircled by a wreath and surmounted by a crown.  


Lieutenant Colonel

A Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) wears on both shoulder straps a crown an one star.


A Sergeant (Sgt) has three chevrons on his/her upper right sleeve.


A Commander (Cdr) wears on his shoulder boards three broad gold rings.

Petty Officer

A Petty Officer (PO) wears, usually on his/her shirt collar points, two crossed anchors surmounted by a crown.



A Major (Maj) wears a crown on both shoulder straps.


A Corporal (Cpl) wears on his/her upper right sleeve two chevrons.

Lieutenant Commander

A Lieutenant Commander (Lt Cdr) wears two broad rings with a narrow one between them.

Leading Seaman

A Leading Seaman (LS) wears on his/her upper right sleeve an anchor.



A Captain (Capt) wears three stars on both shoulder straps.

Lance Corporal

A Lance Corporal (LCpl) wears one chevron on his/her upper right sleeve.

Lieutenant (senior grade)

A Lieutenant Senior Grade (Lt (sg)) is equivalent to an Army Captain; he/she wears two broad gold rings on his/her shoulder boards.

Able Bodied Seaman

An Able-Bodied Seaman (AB) has on his/her upper sleeve a single chevron.



A Lieutenant (Lt) wears two stars on his/her shoulder straps.



There is  no insignia of rank for Private (Pte) or Ordinary Seaman (ORD).

Lieutenant (Junior grade)

A Lieutenant Junior Grade (Lt (sg)) wears one broad ring and a narrow one.

Ordinary Seaman


Second Lieutenant

A Second Lieutenant (2 Lt) wears one star on both shoulder straps.


A Sub Lieutenant (Sub Lt) wears one broad ring on his/her shoulder-boards.