
Raison D’etre

To defend Jamaica against external and internal aggression.


To provide military capability to deter and/or defeat threats against the Jamaican State and/or its interests.

  • To defend Jamaica against military or paramilitary threats.
  • To provide military aid to the Civil Authorities, namely relating to:

    • Restoration/maintenance of law and order;
    • Counter-narcotics operations;
    • Search and Rescue (SAR);
    • Casualty Evacuation;
    • Humanitarian and disaster relief operations;
    • Defence diplomacy;
    • Nation building projects;
    • Contingency planning; and
    • State ceremonial duties.
  • Maintaining the integrity of Jamaica’s waters and airspace by demonstrating sovereignty over the territorial space and protecting the rights and interests in the maritime and aeronautical areas of jurisdiction (including marine environmental and fisheries protection).
  • Counter Terrorism Operations by monitoring and analyzing potential terrorist activities, and preventing or responding to terrorist incidents, including Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) detection, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) and Improvised Explosive Device Disposal (IEDD).
Current Structure

The Jamaica Defence Force currently comprises a Regular Force and a Reserve Force. The Regular Force has seven major units with just over 2,500 officers and soldiers. They constitute the Force’s combat arms (two Regular Infantry Battalions); combat support arms (an Air Wing, a Coast Guard and an Engineer Regiment); and the combat service support arm – a Logistics Battalion.

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