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OVERVIEW – Promotions and Appointments
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Substantive Promotion – Officers
Temporary Promotion – Officers
Promotion – Soldiers
Appointments – Officers
Appointments – Soldiers


Substantive Promotion – Officers
To be considered eligible for promotion all officers of the regular Force below the rank of Major (except officers of the Quartermaster category) are required to pass a professional examination approved by the Defence Board. These examinations, which are arranged by the Headquarters of the Jamaica Defence Force, are held at least twice a year. In addition to passing the appropriate examination, Officers below the rank of Major must have completed the following periods of commissioned service to be promoted to the ranks indicated:

To Lieutenant after 2 years as a Second Lieutenant.

To Captain after 4 years as a substantive Lieutenant.

To Major after 7 years as a substantive Captain.

These requirements apply to officers of the JDF Coast Guard of equivalent rank.

Quartermaster Officers (commissioned from the ranks) are eligible for substantive promotion after completing the following periods of commissioned service:

    To Captain after 6 years as a substantive Lieutenant.

    To Major after 6 years as a substantive Captain.

Promotions to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and above and the substantive promotion of officers of the Reserve Force are made through selection by the Defence Board.

Temporary Promotion – Officers
A regular or reserve officer, other than one in the Quartermaster category, may be granted temporary promotion, after passing the professional examination previously mentioned, as follows:

    To temporary Captain after 3 years as a substantive Lieutenant.

    To temporary Major after 4 years as a substantive Captain.

General Requirements
In addition to the requirements shown above, an officer must be recommended for promotion by his or her Commanding Officer and must have passed a basic fitness test within the previous 6 months.

Promotion – Soldiers
Promotion of soldiers in the Jamaica Defence Force is subject to vacancies and the requirements of the Force. Promotions are based on the following factors:

    Seniority in the current rank.
    Record of conduct.
    Physical fitness.
    Qualifications, either from courses attended or from experience.
    Standard of education.
    Time bars where applicable.

The soldier is normally promoted to acting rank and must serve a minimum period of three months before being promoted to substantive rank.

Promotion Boards are held twice yearly and are chaired by the Chief of Staff.


The ranks which may be held by officers and soldiers of the Jamaica Defence Force and an example of appointments within each rank are shown in the following tables:


Ranks Example of Appointments
Major General 
Rear Admiral
Chief of Staff
Chief of Staff
Colonel General Staff
Lieutenant Colonel 
Commanding Officer (Battalion or Equivalent)
Lieutenant Commander
Company (or equivalent) Commander
Lieutenant (senior grade)
Company (or equivalent) Second in Command, Troop Commander (Engineer Regiment)
Lieutenant (junior grade)
Platoon Commander
Second Lieutenant 
Platoon Commander



Ranks Example of Appointments
Warrant Officer Class 1 
Master Chief Petty Officer Class 1
Regimental Sergeant Major
Warrant Officer Class 2 
Master Chief Petty Officer Class 2
Company (or equivalent) Sergeant Major
Staff Sergeant 
Chief Petty Officer
Company (or equivalent) Quartermaster Sergeant
Petty Officer
Platoon Sergeant
Leading Seaman
Section (or equivalent) Commander
Lance Corporal 
Able Seaman
Section (or equivalent) Second in command
Ordinary Seaman

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