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Description of all Medals Awarded


Medal of Honour for Gallantry
Awarded to officers and soldiers who have performed acts of gallantry or acts of heroism or have shown great courage in circumstances of extreme danger. Recipients are entitled to have the letters ‘MG’ placed after their names, where use of such letters is customary.

Click here for recipients of Medal for Gallantry


Awardees of the Medal of Gallantry are entitled to have the letters "MG" placed after their names on all occasions when the use of such Letters is customary.


Medal of Honour for Meritorious Service
Awarded to officers and soldiers who have performed distinguished service or have displayed distinguished conduct or bravery.

Click here for recipients of Medal of Honour for Meritorious Service


Medal of Honour for General Service
Awarded to officers and soldiers who have engaged in military operations overseas, or in other areas as specified by the Governor-General, on the recommendation of the Chief of Staff.

Medal of Honour for Long Service and Good Conduct
Awarded to warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the Regular Force who have completed 18 years continuous service and whose conduct and character have been exemplary.

Medal of Honour for Efficient Service
Awarded to officers and soldiers who have completed 12 years voluntary service in the First Class of the Jamaica National Reserve and performed such service efficiently.

Mention in Dispatches
Awarded to officers and soldiers for service in an operational area for an act of bravery, exceptional conduct, efficiency, or performance over and above the call of duty.

Independence Medal
Awarded to officers and soldiers who were serving in the Jamaica Defence Force, and to certain civilian officials when Jamaica became Independent on 06 August,1962.


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