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Home > Organisation > Infantry

Historical Overview

There are two regular infantry battalions in the Jamaica Defence Force. The earlier, the First Battalion the Jamaica Regiment (1JR), was raised on 31 July 1962 simultaneously with a reserve unit, the Third Battalion The Jamaica Regiment (National Reserve), (3 JR(NR)) as part of the newly formed JDF. For seventeen years 1 JR was the only regular infantry unit until it was divided in 1979 to support the formation of the Second Battalion the Jamaica Regiment (2JR). Both battalions were subsequently brought up to strength and except for their history, are identical – in organisation, roles, operations and training activities.


The infantry units are non-mechanised infantry battalions. The regular battalions comprise three rifle companies and a headquarter company which sees to the first line administrative needs of the battalion.

It is noteworthy that the Jamaica Regiment Band is on the strength of 1 JR but serves both regular infantry battalions. The band is permanently stationed in Kingston and is administered by the headquarter company of the Kingston-based battalion.

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