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Home > Organization > Infantry > First Battalion the Jamaica Regiment

Click here to read the biography
of the First Battalion Jamaica
Regiment’s Acting Commanding

Click here to read the biography of the First Battalion Jamaica Regiment’s Regimental Sergeant Major.

Click here to listen to the Unit
March for the First Battalion
Jamaica Regiment.

Motto: First and Foremost

Click on image to read about
the history of the Regimental Colours

After the West India Regiment – revived briefly in 1959 as part of the  short-lived (British) West Indies Federation – was disbanded again in 1961, the members of the First Battalion, stationed in Jamaica, formed the First Battalion the Jamaica Regiment (1 JR) on 31 July 1962.

The Battalion grew considerably through the years, as did its roles and responsibilities; by 1979 there were eight companies in 1 JR.

In May 1979, three rifle companies and a part of Headquarter Company were split off to form the nucleus of the Second Battalion the Jamaica Regiment.

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