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JDF Aircraft Technician
(Airframe and Engine) Training Course


This JDF Aircraft Technician Training Course is one of four courses run by the Jamaica Defence Force Training Flight as part of the Canadian Forces School of Aerospace Technology and Engineering. This course is for Corporals or above and is preparatory training to establish their superior technical skills and develop their supervisory abilities.

Following graduation, the students will possess all the technical skills required for the rest of their careers as aircraft technician and will be prepared for the first level in the managerial responsibilities within their organization. Graduates will now be equipped to perform supervisory functions in any aircraft maintenance organization, military or civil.

The subject areas covered in the training are as follows:

  1. Sheetmetal repair (Advanced Techniques)
  2. Applied Science for Aircraft Technician
  3. Air-conditioning and Pressurization
  4. Corrosion and Non-Destructive Testing Applications
  5. Oxygen Systems
  6. Aircraft Battle Damage Repair
  7. Basic Electronic Training (Review)
  8. Communication, Radio and Navigation systems
  9. Advanced Techniques Jet engine
  10. Advanced Techniques Reciprocating Engine
  11. Computer Aircraft Log Manager (Computer Software)
  12. Helicopter Engine Condition Trend Monitoring (Computer Software)
  13. Engine Condition Trend Monitoring (Computer Software fixed Wing)
  14. Aircraft Refinishing
  15. Management in the aircraft environment
  16. Syndicate Exercise (Written and Oral Presentation)
  17. CH146 (Bell 412) Airframe and Engine Course.

Personnel are required to serve a minimum of five years in the JDF after graduation.

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