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The Caption reported, "Tears Flow as Soldiers Seek Divine Guidance"; and a photograph showed combat ready men wiping tears from their eyes. The media captured this rare moment at a widely reported service held at an operational command post in one of Kingston’s volatile community in anticipating a tense election campaign. It brought to a dramatic close an unprecedented series of events held to prepare all military personnel spiritually for the challenging election operations. This preparation was code-named Exercise STEADFAST. Anticipation of General Elections had closed the door on a number of events. All the JDF’s attention had to be concentrated on preparing for what was predicted to be a very "bloody" General Election. The JDF was to assist the police island-wide in a major internal security operation aimed at ensuring elections that would be free, fair and free from fear. In the midst of intense physical battle preparations, the need to ensure individual "strength of soul" and to seek God’s presence, leading and protection was evident. Time was then set aside as normal operational plans were being charted to commence spiritual battle preparations under the theme, "Be ye steadfast…" (1 Corinthians 15:58). Exercise STEADFAST was born with the mission: To prepare all ranks of the JDF spiritually for operations associated with the General Election period. Support to the Garrison Chaplain came from the JDF Prayer Group and other local and international Christian organizations. Gideons International distributed over 2,000 bibles. Campus Crusade for Christ and the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship International were involved in the planning. Pocket-sized cards bearing the ‘Soldier’s Prayer’ and key bible verses were distributed to all servicemen and women. The Association of Military Christian Fellowships and the Association for Christian Conferences, Teaching and Service (ACCTS) arranged the visit of retired US Navy Rear Admiral Grady Jackson as a special guest speaker, the main presenter was the well-known local preacher Rev. Dr. Sam Vassell.
Exercise STEADFAST involved all units of the JDF. During the period 12-26 November 1997, Officers’ Study Days, special luncheons for Warrant Officers and Sergeants, a Sunrise Service, talks to recruits and officers on junior staff training and a service at an operational command post, were held. The emphasis was on developing a focus on spiritual welfare amongst the leadership and middle managers of the Force in an operational environment. Feedback from the two Officers’ Study Days was overwhelmingly positive and testified of the relevance and importance of the exercise. The aim was to equip officers to fulfil their responsibility for the spiritual welfare of those under their command. Servant leadership was the overriding theme. Topics included military service in the context of the Christian faith, the JDF’s role as ‘the sword’ in God’s plan for government, guidelines for healthy family life and development of a positive self-concept in the quest for meaning to life. Rev Vassell reminded the officers of their delegated authority from God to use force only in the interest of upholding justice by restraining evil and protecting the good. The inestimable worth of each human life was emphasized. The leadership came away challenged by inspirational anecdotes from Rear Admiral Jackson’s combat experience. Family psychologist Dr. Barry Davidson challenged all officers to be like salt in the society by hindering moral decay through a personal relationship with Christ. He declared that it was not business as usual, but that we must begin to do unusual business. More concise messages with similar aims were shared less formally with the Warrant Officers and Sergeants during two luncheons at their Mess in Up Park Camp. Rev. Peter Garth also explored the need for the mastery of a life of prayer. Renditions from popular singer Judy Mowatt, who testified of the joy of turning to Christ after 22 years as a Rastafarian, were awe-inspiring.
Exercise STEADFAST also touched the hearts of the junior ranks. For the first time, a service of dedication was held for all ranks at sunrise on the morning of a normal working day on the field in front of Headquarters JDF. The aim was to worship together as a Force, acknowledge dependence on God and to confirm commitments to God, one another and the operational tasks ahead. Imagine the splendour as the sun broke over the Warieka Hills just as Dr. Vassell spoke of the resurrection of the Son of God and the difference that Christ makes in the hearts of men. At this Sunrise Service, he encouraged everyone to be ready because Jesus Christ is returning soon. Musical renditions from ‘Change’ were appropriate and again inspiring. The final service held at the operational command post was the only event to which the public was invited. It was felt that undue public and media glare throughout the exercise would have detracted from the real purpose. However, as a gesture of friendship, the local community was invited. The gates to the well-fortified complex were literally opened wide – so too were the hearts of those present. Serious life changing commitments were made to Christ after messages from key personalities from the national football team, namely technical director Rene Simoes and coach Karl Brown, the ‘Grace Thrillers’ gospel singers and Rev Sam Vassell. Men of the Second Battalion will never forget witnessing their Commanding Officer publicly declare his decision to follow Christ. He also challenged them to make their decision for Christ.
It was not by chance that the General Election held in December 1997 was the least violent in 20 years. The officers and men of the JDF had been prepared physically, mentally and spiritually. Many had prayed for peace. There was a sense of the presence and the protection of the Lord as troops were deployed under a shield of faith. The skeptics may still not be convinced that God intervened in honour of His promises, but that does not detract from the fact of God’s demonstration of His faithfulness. Follow up to Exercise STEADFAST is continuing. Discovery Groups, which allow for informal discussion of truths from the Bible in small groups, have been started. They are progressing with enthusiasm in several units. It is hoped that all units will eventually have these Discovery Groups as vibrant spiritual support groups assisting in the work of the Chaplin. An open window of opportunity to seek to reconcile the Christian faith and military service presented itself during Exercise STEADFAST which has set a precedent, honourable in all respects and worthy of emulation. To God be the Glory.
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