- Recruiting Boards
A Recruiting Board is assembled during recruiting drives to determine and select from among the applicants those individuals considered suitable to be trained as soldiers.
A Recruiting Board normally assembles at least once per year. The Recruiting Board meets on the dates and at selected locations (testing centres) as advertised during recruiting drives to interview and test male and female applicants for enlistment into the Regular Force.
The testing centres are generally located at military bases and other public sites islandwide. These locations are advertised in the media. The islandwide recruiting drive normally goes on for two weeks.
- Recruit Entrance Test
Before the Entrance Test is done the applicants are screened to check for any physical anomalies and to ensure they have their required documents and meet the following requirements:
- of Jamaican Nationality
- between 18 and 23 years of age
- education standard of at least Grade 9
- birth certificate (original copy)
- immunisation card
- two recent recommendations (one from last school attended and one from a Justice of the Peace, Minister of Religion or a Gazetted Officer)
- two passport size photographs, signed by a Justice of the Peace.
The first part of the test involves reading and taking dictation. If the applicant is successful he or she will be given written tests in Mathematics, English Language and General Knowledge.
- Recruit Training
Initial basic training for recruits last for 14 weeks and is done substantially at two locations: JDF Training Depot, Newcastle, St Andrew and at Moneague Training Camp, St Ann. The recruit training course covers Drill, Skill-at-Arms, Military Law, Field Craft, Service Knowledge, Physical Training, Swimming Training, First Aid and Drug Awareness.
Careers Options
- There are over 60 different jobs/trades available and the training requirement varies for each. The JDF offers a planned career throughout a soldier’s time in the Service. As a soldier progresses and shows leadership skills, promotion through the ranks to Warrant Officer or even to a Commissioned Officer could follow. In trade areas of the Force, civilian qualifications are acquired which, should they decide to leave, will enhance a soldier’s prospects for employment outside the Force.
- The trade areas for enlisted ranks are:
Aircraft Technician
Air Traffic Controller
Bricklayer and Concreter
Carpenter and Joiner
Clerk (General Duties)
Clerk (Military Stores)
Clerk (Paralegal)
Clerk (Pay Duties)
Clerk (Programmer)
Clerk (Provisioning and Customs)
Clerk (Shorthand)
Combat Engineer
Computer Operator
Construction Material Technician
Clerk of Works (Construction)
Clerk of Works (Electrical)
Clerk of Works (Mechanical)
Design Draughtsman
Design Draughtsman (Electrical and Mechanical)
Dental Technician
Dental Assistant
Equipment Repairer
Fitter Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning
Intelligence Specialist (Electronics and Communications)
Intelligence Specialist (Videography and Photography)
Intelligence Specialist (Analyst)
Intelligence Specialist (Information Systems)
Intelligence Specialist (Operations)
Infanteer (infantryman)
Instrument Technician
Marine Electrician
Marine Engineer
Marine Telecommunications Technician
Medical Assistant
Pharmacy Technician
Physical Training Instructor
Power Plant Mechanic
Power Plant Operator
Plant Operator Mechanic
Plumber and Pipefitter
Radio Operator
Recovery Mechanic
Surveyor Engineering
Seaman (General Duties)
Sheet Metal Worker
Telecommunications Technician
Vehicle Electrician
Vehicle Mechanic
How to apply
For further information, contact:
SO 2 G3 (Training)
Jamaica Defence Force
Up Park Camp
Kingston 5
Telephone: (876) 926-8121-9, Extension 2014
Fax: (876) 926-8243