JDF Medical Company

The Jamaica Defence Force Medical Company offers a wide range of services to soldiers and their families.  For more than three decades the JDF Medical Company has been providing exemplary service to soldiers and there families.  
Some of the services they provide include counselling, family planning, public health and rehabilitation program. 
The centre also provides a full medical and dental plan for officers and soldiers of the regular Force and their families, and to members of the National Reserve while on training or Call Out.  

Families of members of the Reserve Force are entitled to medical and dental treatment under the plan while such members are on permanent call out.  

Expenses for treatment under this plan are met from public funds.  
In order to help the staff at the medical centre provide a better service, soldiers need to adopt some preventative method to prevent illness.  They can help by reporting early to the centre when sick and having their families’ card properly updated.   

Although the centre tries to provide quality service, the sub-unit is faced with problems from time to time; one such problem is the lack of equipment. In the interim, as the sub-unit upgrade its services, soldiers can help by attending sick parades early when they report sick.   This will allow the medical staff to prepare their documents so that they can be treated promptly.