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JDF Air Wing Unit Notice Board

The JDF Air Wing Assists in
Flood Relief Efforts

A JDF helicopter flies in relief supplies to
a marooned community

The JDF Air Wing has been assisting with the delivery of food and relief supplies to flood affected areas in North Eastern Jamaica. Since Sunday 28 October 2001, the island has been pelted by heavy rains from a tropical depression southwest of the island. The parishes of Portland, St. Mary and St. Ann have been the worst affected, with several communities in these parishes becoming isolated due to damaged roads and bridges. At least two persons have died as a result of the heavy rains.

On the brink of disaster… 
  A river in spate threatens
  claim a building in Portland.

In the last three days, the JDF Air Wing has flown in excess of twenty flying hours to assist flood victims. It is estimated that some three thousand pounds of relief supplies have already been delivered. Additionally, several reconnaissance missions have been flown to assist in the coordination of relief efforts.

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