Jamaica Defence Force
JDF Members


The Military Education Policy (MEP) continues to be developed and is expected to be fully operational by the year 2005.

The MEP is geared towards improving education and performance standards within the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF).  It seeks to bring added value to the JDF by way of improving the recruitment, training, education, development, retention and resettlement of its human resources. It operates on the premise that continuous learning on the part of individuals reaps continuous organizational development, a desirable state in an ever changing environment.

Extracts from the MEP

The MEP affects all ranks of the JDF and consists of the following categories:

a.          The Professional Development Category which comprises:

        (1)     The Education for Promotion (EFP) Plan.

        (2)     The Education in Support of Specialist Employment (ESSE)                 Plan.

This category links educational standards to promotion. There are certain key stages in the individuals career that are linked to predetermined educational standards.

b.          The Personal Development Category which comprises:

(1)          Individual education opportunities.

(2)          The accreditation of military courses to civilian degree programs.

c.          Resettlement Category which prepares the individual for after service life.  This category includes features such as training, civilian working attachment and individual resettlement preparation.

The main points of the MEP are:

            a.         Personnel may be invited to apply for specific courses, or be nominated where courses have been offered.

            b.         Service members can also apply to do courses having first sought and    obtained approval.  The relevance of the course to be embarked upon will be        examined for military applicability.

            c.         Applications for higher educational studies must be submitted through    Commanding Officers to HQ JDF.

In determining successful candidates the following will be taken in consideration:

            a.  For Officers, the type of Commission held.

            b.  Military Core courses successfully completed.

            c.  Promotion Examination successfully completed, where              applicable

            d.   Seniority of service member.

            e.   The relevance of the course of study to the organization.

            f.    Funding.

            g.   Exigencies of the Service.

The MEP is available for review at all Unit HQs and Company Offices.

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