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Students of CJCSC held captive by the presentations on the media.
Dr Dunn’s enthusiastically delivers his presentation.
Major C Steer (l) and Ms F Ellington look on while Mr C Hughes made his presentation.
Lt (jg) J Neil of the JDF Coast Guard responding to questions from the media during the role play media exercises.
Ms Ellington (r) graciously receives the plaque presented on behalf of CJCSC.
Dr Dunn appreciatively accepts his plaque presented on behalf of CJCSC.
Annually, the Caribbean Junior Command Staff College (CJCSC) host a series of special lectures and workshops to expose the students, which includes officers from Caribbean Armed Forces, United States of America and Canada, to areas of professional interest that will likely impact on the execution of their duties when they return to their individual armed forces. The Course is normally run at the Jamaica Defence Force Training Depot, Newcastle, for a duration of four months and it comprises two phases (staff and tactics). Unfortunately, the onslaught of Hurricane Ivan left the Training Depot extensively damaged and as such the course had to be temporarily relocated. The University College of the Caribbean (UCC) afforded the course four weeks to use their facilities to continue the course until the Jamaica Defence Force Training Depot was repaired.
An understanding of the relationship between the media and armed forces is viewed as part of the professional development of these officers and as such, on 05 October 2004, the course hosted their Media Relations Day. Major Charlene Steer, Jamaica Defence Force Civil Military Affairs Officer, was invited to give a presentation on ‘The JDF Media Policy and Dealing with the Media”. Well-established media professionals were invited to enhance the Day’s activities. Dr Hopeton Dunn, Chief Executive Officer of the Caribbean Production Training Centre, made his presentation on “Message Delivery Principles”, Broadcaster Ms Fae Ellington made her presentation on “Interview Techniques” and Mr Cliff Hughes, Managing Director, A1 Communications Ltd, presented on “Responding to Investigation Journalism – Hard News and Current Affairs”. The entire sessions were insightful, interesting and educative, and the interaction of the presenters and students via questions and answers at the end of each session made it even more appealing. All the presentations were well received by all present. Four ) plaques of appreciation were given to the presenters on behalf of the Caribbean Junior Command Staff College for their valid contribution to the development of the minds of each individual on the course.
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