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March 2003


Military Ensures Safety Standards of its Air Assets

At the invitation of the Jamaica Defence Force (JDF), the Canadian Forces flying standard and technical evaluation team is in Jamaica conducting a flight standard evaluation and maintenance inspection of the JDF Air Wing. The term will carry out maintenance standard inspection of both the fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft.

The seven-member standards team is from the Canadian Flying School. The team will be in Jamaica from 02-07 March 2003. The JDF’s request for an expert standards team was facilitated by the Canadian Military Training Assistance Steering Committee.

Their mission is to evaluate the JDF Air Wing flying training and the efficiency, maintenance standards and effectiveness of the technical training. Subsequently, the inspectors will re-certify the JDF personnel on the Griffin 412 and the As355N helicopters and on the BN2A Islander and Cessna 210 aircraft.

While in Jamaica the Canadian Forces members will not participate in any form of combat operation or civil-military action.


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