Information Centre
Jamaica Defence Force
National Heroes

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The nature of the military profession is given to heroism. The Rt. Excellent Norman Manley one of Jamaica’s National Heroes had distinguished military service – he served as a soldier in World War I and was awarded the Military Medal for Bravery. Right Excellent Nanny of the Jamaican Maroons is known for military skills in the early use of guerilla warfare tactics against the British.

All of Jamaica’s National Heroes were persons of outstanding courage. As courage is one of the core values of the JDF this web site featur6es Jamaica’s National Heroes with the wish that the service they gave in their lifetime will inspire others today.

      Marcus           George William
Garvey                Gordon
Sam                      Nanny                    Paul
Sharpe           of the Maroons            Bogle
Alexander            Norman    
Bustamante          Manley     

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