Specialist Equipment
V150 Commando Armoured Car
Bucket Truck
Multipurpose Tractor
Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) System
Spectro Lab SX-16 Night Sun
V150 Commando Armoured Car
A robust and versatile all terrain vehicle which offers protection from small arms
fire. The V150 also has amphibious capabilities.
Engineering Equipment
Bucket Truck
International Power Line Bucket Truck, utility vehicle used by electricians.
US-built, multipurpose vehicle used for trench digging, grass cutting and clearing.
US-built vehicle, used for small excavation in confine areas. It is a versatile
equipment that can use a bucket, forklift and augur.
This is a multipurpose Front End Loader equipped with backhoe and used for loading
and clearing.
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Japanese-built, with a Toyota Hiace minivan frame; dispatched by the JDF
Medical Reception Station in response to determined medical emergencies. The JDF
ambulances are equipped with radios, and carry a range of life-preserving equipment such
as portable stretchers, oxygen and suction machines and emergency field kits.
Toyota landcruiser : this is
a 2000 4 x 4, 6 cylinder ¾ ton.

Forward Looking Infrared
(FLIR) System – Ultra 4000 Dual Sensor
Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) System
is used by the Jamaica Defence Force Air Wing on the AS 355N Ecureuil
helicopter. The FLIR uses body temperature or heat emitted from an object
to form visible images. This therefore facilitates overt or covert
observation in the absence of ambient light, that is, in total darkness.
It has a forward – looking infrared and video camera mounted in a
gyro-stabilized turret that can traverse 360°. The system also includes a0
video recorder, GPS interface and a microwave downlink for real-time
broadcasting of infrared video images
Spectro Lab SX-16 Night Sun
The Spectro Lab SX-16 Night Sun searchlight is used to provide a mobile versatile high
intensity light source. The searchlight is useful in a wide variety of situations such as Law Enforcement, SAR operations on either land or sea.
The searchlight can provide up to 30 million candle power of illumination and its beam spread is adjustable from 4° in search mode to 20° in flood mode.