Welcome to the CJCSC Pre-Course Study Compact Disk (CD). The material contained in this disc
is to be read by all officers selected to attend the next serial of the
Caribbean Junior Command and Staff Course (CJCSC), 16 August to 09 December
All preliminary information required to prepare yourself for this highly
intensive staff and command course is contained in this Pre-Course Package.
For those who are inexperienced in the use of a
computer, you can access a detailed description to navigate within the CD,
by going to the CD Instruction area.
You may access this page by placing your mouse pointer over the
green button marked CD Instruction in the left sidebar and clicking with
the left button, or alternately, by clicking here.
All CJCSC computers use MS Windows operating
system using the following software:
a. Windows 95/98 – Operating
b. MS
Office 2000 suite – Consisting of Word 2000, PowerPoint2000 and MS
Explorer. These applications are
utilized for word processing and the production of presentations;
c. Adobe Software – A number of the
Hyper-links used in this CD will point to files that require Adobe software
to run. A copy of Adobe 4 is
included on this CD; and
d. TacOps – War
Gaming application used for the final exercise "CROCODILE
ROCK". Formal classroom
instruction will be provided for all students during the latter part of
Part 1 and during the Tactics Phase.