Camps and Bases
History of Moneague Training Camp
The Moneague Training Camp is the home of the Second
Battalion and is located 46 miles to the north west of the capital, Kingston and 12 miles
to the south of Ohio Rios ( a tourist resort town). The camp has gone through many
changes. As a training area and camp site its history date as far back as the eighteenth
island village in the parish of St Ann, there are various theories put forward to explain
the name "Moneague". One version is that the name dates back to the time of the
Arawaks and that "Moneague" is the modern name derived from the Arawak word
"Monique" – an old Arawak settlement. Another version is that the name is a
corruption of the archaic Spanish form "Monagua", meaning lonely water, and so
named by the early Spanish settlers after an underground lake in the area which used to
rise and fall periodically. Yet another version is that the word was derived from a
combination of two Spanish words, "Monte" and "Aqua" meaning mountain
water – another reference to the lake which is indeed nestled in the mountains. There is
still another version which holds that the word Moneague came from the word
"Moniqua" a word commonly used in Cuban dialect meaning bush and jungle.
Whatever the true meaning might be , the old town has surely
had Arawak and Spanish influence. It is believed that the area was populated from before
the discovery of the island by Columbus. The main part of the town, as it stands today,
was laid out by the early Spanish settlers at a time when there were but a few main roads
in the island. The town was in fact built on the only trans-island road which ran from
Spanish Town to the north coast at the time.
The Spaniards are known to have settled in the area where
they engaged in cattle rearing on the large, open undulating pasture lands around. Cattle
rearing is to this day continued as one of the economic ventures of the area engaged in by
large and small farmers alike. Following the invasion of Jamaica by the English in 1655
and the subsequent fall of Spanish Town, Christoval Arnaldo de Yassi, the last Spanish
Governor of the island, was said to have made a stand in the Moneague area where he set up
his new and temporary Headquarters. Here he set about organizing the freed slaves into
fighting bands with instruction to take to the hills and from there to attack and harass
the British. These freed slaves later became the famous Maroons. However, despite his
valiant rear-guard actions, Ysassi was beaten in subsequent battles fought with the
English in the Moneague/St Ann area and fled to the north coast, and onwards to Cuba, in a
canoe in 1660.
The question of why Moneague has been a training area for so
long naturally arise. The fact that it was, and still is, in a convenient location with
regards to travel between Kingston, Spanish Town and the North Coast, is no doubt, one of
the reasons. Another is the fact that Moneague was a strategic barrack location for
British Troops during the time of the Maroon Wars. At that time also, attention had to be
paid to the protection of the coast from French or Spanish invasions and many island
barracks were built to house British troops for this purpose. The cool climate and open
undulating terrain also lends itself to military training and must have figured in the
early choice of this areas as a place to billet troops.
Early history
The Moneague area has been used by the Military from as far
back as the middle of the eighteenth century. To deal more effectively with the Maroons
during the first Maroon War (1734 to 1738), the British constructed eleven barracks across
the island; six in Middlesex, two in Surrey and three in Cornwall.
The barrack in Moneague was one of the six built in Middlesex. At
the beginning of the conflict with the Maroons, the British Troops were quite unaccustomed
to the country, the climate and the method of ambush warfare so skillfully practiced by
the Maroons. The soldiers were often worn out and exhausted by the long marches that were
necessary before they could make contact with these bush fighters. They were therefore at
a disadvantage whenever they encountered the Maroons and suffered early losses in their
clashes with them. The building of a series of barracks and fortified posts with
connecting roads as close as possible to the main Maroon settlements coupled with the use
of dogs and Mosquito Coast Indians, for tracking and fighting, had some positive effects
on the campaign of His Majesty’s troops against the Maroons and eventually led up to the
Peace Treaty of 1739.
After the first Maroon War, the barracks were still in use.
According to CUNDALL’S Historic Jamaica’ an extract from the Journal of the House of
Assembly on the state of forts and barracks in the Island in May 1745 describes the one in
Moneague as: " a Barrack which now lodges twenty men and capable of holding thirty…
is a present water tight but will soon require new shingling… as informed by Lt
TROAH." By 1774 twenty-six more barracks had been built across the island in addition
to the original eleven. The old barracks were said to be in served their purpose well of
strategically dispersing His Majesty’s troops to deal with the threats to the island which
were not so much from the French or the Spanish but rather the machinations of the many
thousands of slaves who by then greatly outnumbered the whites. All the Moneague barracks
built during these years have long since crumbled into ruins, but the continued use of the
area by the military remains to this day.
Moneague this century
The camp was not always where it now stands as troops on
exercise in the Moneague area used to be based at the old Moneague Hotel from as early as
the 1920s. The Hotel "was used by companies of the Jamaica Battalion while they were
on training in Moneague during the 1920s and 30s.
The Battalion
used the train extensively in Shettlewood and Montpelier areas but those areas were found
to be too far away and Moneague was the preferred alternative as it offered similar
terrain closer to Kingston. The Jamaica Battalion was then based on grounds of what is now
the Mona Campus of the UWI, and it would usually have one company undergoing training in
Moneague while the remainder of the battalion was on duty in Kingston. Many British and
Canadian Regiments conducted field training in Moneague at the time as well.
The Canadians did in fact use Moneague Camp extensively
throughout the years of the Second World War. The Winnipeg Grenadiers trained in Jamaica
for about a year at the start of World War II. Before then, the British had a regiment
(The Kings Shropshire Light Infantry) here for eighteen months. Of all the Canadian
Regiments to have stayed here, the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders were billeted there
for over two years during the War. In 1944 ‘The Brocks’ (another Canadian Unit) came to
Jamaica relieving in the process the Irish Fusiliers of the United Kingdon. The Fusiliers
left after the War in 1945. The reasons for maintaining a Unit in the colony of Jamaica
have varied over the War years. At first when the Germans were over-running North Africa,
and were intent on establishing a bridge-head in South America, the island outposts in the
West Indies were vital to the defense of the North American Continent. However, by the
time the ‘Brocks’ had arrived ‘D’ Day had come and gone and the reasons for billetting
troops here became fourfold: to be ready for operational duty, to assist in the training
of local forces, to provide the perimeter guard for the internment Camp for POWs and to
provide aid to the civil power in dealing with ‘negro uprisings’.
While the companies stationed in Up Park Camp were occupied
with camp duties, range work and platoon and company bivouacs, each rifle company was
billeted in turn at Moneague for a period of four weeks. After two weeks training on
battle drills in the area each company then completed field exercise under battalion
supervision. They experienced, as with all others who have trained in the area, the
effects in the field of tropical days and nights, the occasional irritation from poisonous
plants, wood ticks and grass lice. One consolation was Jamaica had no poisonous snakes as
usually found in other tropical countries.
Moneague camp in its present location
During the 1950s the Moneague Hotel saw less service as a barrack
for troops as in 1948/49 the military gradually transferred to its present location near
Walton. This movement of the camp was as a result of the hotel changing hands in 1948 when
it was leased by a new proprietor, who did extensive renovations and re-started the hotel
business. This venture did not last for very long as in 1956 the Moneague Hotel changed
hands again, was again remodeled and became the Moneague Teachers’ College. It has so
remained to this day. The side near Walton was an obvious one as water for the Camp (and
also the Moneague Village) was provided by a well in the vicinity which had been dug by
soldiers in 1943 and was operated and maintained by the army up until recent times.
Situated right next to the camp this well is still in service today supplying water to the
camp and the Moneague town. The well is now the responsibility of the National Water
Commission. The newly established camp near Walton was nothing more than a plot of land
with little development.
Tents were used to house troops and continued to be used
right up to the beginning of the 1980s. The Camp is situated in an area known as Sewell’s
Piece which is part of a piece of land known as Moneague Hotel lands. The new lands was
said to measure "24 acres, 3 roods and 13.4 poles save and except for one rood and
14.8 poles which was handed over to the Government for road improvement." This land
includes the Airstrip near Walton, the Riverhead and Endeavour areas.